Duolingo 4.4
košile = shirt
sukně = skirt
Kde jsou mé boty? = Where ARE my shoes?
Jaké barvy je jeho kůň? = What color is his horse?
Kdo pije mléko? = Who drinkS milk?
Jak je chlapcům? = How are the boys?
Čí je to pivo? = Whose beer is it?
Jakou barvu má jeho kůň? = What color IS his horse?
Kdo má rád Francii? = Who likeS France?
Jak je chlapcům? = How are The boys?
Potřebuješ-li mé kalhoty, vezmi si je. = If you need my pants, take them.
Jezte sýr, kdykoli chcete. = Eat cheese whenever you want.
maso = meat
jídlo = meal
To mléko je vedle toho sýru. = The milk is by the cheese.
Kvůli tvému psovi! = Because OF your dog.
V březnu a dubnu prší = It rains in arch and April
Duolinko 7.4
Kdy je muž mužem? = When is a man a man? (when a man is a man?)
Jaké otázky mají děti? = What questions do children have?
Ona píše, že no miluje = She writes that she loves him.
Já vím, že víš = I know, that you know
Ona mluví, zatímco vaří = She speaks as she cooks.
Ten sýr je k obědu = The cheese is for lunch.
Ano, ale do kdy? = Yes, but until when?
Říkají mi ano = They tell me yes.
Nyní nemám práci = At the moment I do not have a job.
Homework 8.4
S kým žiješ? = Who do you live with?
Duolingo 13.4
Ukazujeme jim své boty = We show them our shoes
Ukaž jim toho psa = You show them the dog
Čí je to pes? = Whose dog is it?
Jakou barvu má jeho kůň? = What color is his horse?
Po večeři jdu ven = I go out after dinner
On je syn mé sestry = He is my sister’s son
během = during
kdykoliv = whenever
že = that
mezi = among
za = behing
oblek = Suit
kalhoty = Pants, trousers
Duolinko 15.4
Kteří muži čtou noviny? = Which men read the newspaper?
Nejsme proti tomu = We are not against it
Jím ovoce, kromě jablek = I eat fruit, exept from apples
Kočka chodí po mé sukni = The cat walks over my skirt
Mezi námi je konec = Is is over between us
On je snami nebo proti nam. = He is with us or against us
Jdu směrem k nim = I go towards them
Chci ji blízko sebe = I want her near me
To mléko je vedle toho sýru = The milk is by the cheese
Lesson 16.5
vždy = always
často = often
obvykle = usually
někdy = sometimes
nikdy = never
Chci mít homeoffice od pondělí do středy = I want to make the home office from Monday to Wednesday
Znamená to, že nemohu ty noci pozorovat? = Does it mean I cannot observe on those nights?
On si dělá domácí úkoly = He does his homework
Dělá si domácí úkoly? = Does he do his homework?
Která zvířata jedí cukr? = Which animals eat sugar? # !!
Nemám opověď = I do not have an answer
Jaké otázky mají děti? = What questions do children have?
Který pes je tvůj? = Which is your dog?
On nemá tu košili = He does not have the shirt.
Prosím, sundejte si své boty = Please take off your shoes.
Je to pod zeleným slonem? = Is it under the green elephant?
Čteme si večer = We read in the evening.
Pijme pivo na pouti = We drink beer at the fair
Jak se má tvúj táta? = How is your dad?
Dorazit domů = get home
S kým jsi dnes večer? = who are you with tonight?
Mají v neděli otevřeno? = Are they open on Sunday?
Čí to je? = Whose is this?
Čí je to pivo? = Whose beer is it?
Kde je ten medvěd? = Where is the bear?
Ty šaty, které ona chce, jsou červené = The dress that she wants is red.
S kym jsi dnes vecer? = Who are you with tonight?
DUO 4.5
Manželka mého syna nemá auto, ale má kolo = My son’s wife does not have a car, but she has a bicycle.
Které jsou tvé boty? = Which are your shoes?
Až na to pivo = Except for the beer.
Jdu směrem k nim = I walk towards them.
Proč to je osobní? = Why is it personal?
Co není osobní? = What is not personal?
Ona poslouchá svou matku = She listens to her mother.
Máš to? = Do you have it?
Zen story
There is a beautiful story in the Zen system of allowing human consciousness to grow. A disciple goes to a Zen master and asks:
‘What should I do for my spiritual growth?’
‘Sweep the floor, chop the wood, cook the food. That’s all.’
‘For that, why should I come here? I can do that at home!’
‘But if you are sweeping the floor at home, it’s your own floor. You will not sweep the neighbor’s floor if it is dirty, you will not. Chopping the wood and cooking would be for your own use and who you consider as yours. You are using every activity to enhance who you are instead of using every activity to dissolve who you are.’
Hi all, On 13/06/2021 15:19, Tor Rune Skoglund wrote: That is really interesting. Our company is using Linux-Vserver quite a lot, on Gentoo too, and have on our todo-list to provide an update of util-vserver and the kernel compilation routine who would fix some of the old stuff that gives warnings and problems. Last summer, we make a util-vserver compilation routine (as a test case ) which compiled without using beecrypt, for instance. Yup, that was my first step too. I was gladly surprised to find out that switching to nss was so easy. It is our intention to make this in a "proper" way also, and release it for others. I see that you plan to move away from Linux-Vserver. Sorry to hear that, but if you are interested, we would be very much glad to help or look into the issues you are facing now, if that is an option for you. We are also in the process of updating to gcc 10, and any issues here will need to be looked into anyways. Well, feel free to dig into the dietlibc build log I just attached in reply to Herbert's log, and I'd be happy to provide you with further information if needed :) As of now, I haven't tried the latest VS patch against the latest 4.9 kernel in too much depth (there are a few rejected hunks, is all I saw, no idea how much there is to fix). If there was an "easy" way to stick to vserver, I'd probably stick with it. But Herbert's words sound sadly true: if it has now become a project used by a handful of enthusiasts only, its regrettable demise is only a matter of time, in which case I'd rather migrate sooner than later with my back to the wall. Again, these emails are not written out of spite or anger, I hope that's clear :) It's just always a bit sad to see a project quietly fade away and I thought I would at least send kind words at the people responsible for the project :) Cheers Romain Rivière