Jestli budeš chtít, zvol si vlastní osobu nebo někoho blízkého a popiš jeho
zvyklosti s pomocí výrazů četnosti (never, always, sometimes..). Obrázek v
příloze s aktivitami může sloužit jako inspirace.
My driver never says never. Every morning before work he always don’t know, what happens.
We usually go to work at 6:32 a.m., but sometimes I wake him before 5 o’clock and we walk to nature.
In nature, I alwayas run, while/as my driver sleeps, then he gets up and laughs. He doesn’t cry.
I often sleep until noon, because my driver steals my alarm. Then we run and fight.
Winner usually cooks meal, both eat them and everybody are happy until they dead. The end.